Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Look

THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! My sweet friend Connie at fixed up our Team Chenoweth site. I LOVE it! What a lucky gal I am to have such a wonderful blog buddy like her! Thanks again for sprucing us up here.


Sophie's Mom said...

Wow! I love the new look! So glad Connie was able to do it, it's beautiful, and better than I could have come up with, REALLY! Love all the pictures, and she sure works fast, too! Great job Connie!

mommy24treasures said...

I am glad you like it. I am sure Ms Christine is being modest though ;)She is pretty creative herself!

Lisa said...

Looks Great! Connie is a treasure herself! Connie you rock!

2China4Ayla said...

Connie is a gem! Love the new look and all the pictures.

juliebean said...

i love the new page. It is great!!!

Tracy said...

Beautiful - the new look is awesome!

DeLoach said...

ok, see, this is how little I know...I posted a comment about this somewhere else (where I dont know). Anyway, let me repeat myself... I L-O-V-E it!! I want Connie. Send her my way, I have a blank slate:)