Wednesday, August 13, 2008

One year ago today...

One year ago tonight (August 13th, 2007) I was at the hospital hooked up to all kinds of machines and scared to death at the unknown of what lay ahead. Oh what a difference a year makes! My Harrison was born on August 14, 2007 at 1:57 PM (after 18 hours of labor!) I have experienced two wonderful miracles in the form of my children, and I still cannot believe how incredibly blessed I am! Over the past year, Harrison has overcome Colick (Thank Goodness!), gotten 9 teeth, learned to roll over, crawl, cruise, and now he is even taking a few steps at a time all by himself! He can feed himself with his hands, drink from a sippy cup, point to his (and others') eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue,head, hair, belly button, and feet. He learned how to sign "more" and "finished", says "hi" as he holds anything that resembles a phone to his ear, and shakes his head "no". He adores his big sissy and loves to play in her room with the kitchen. What a busy year we have had! As crazy as it seems sometimes, I wouldn't change a thing! I feel like the luckiest Mommy in the world! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY BOY!!! I am so proud to be your Mommy! I can hardly wait to see what the next year brings! Here are a few pics from Harrison's first year...
1 day old

6 weeks old

2 and a half months

3 and a half months
4 months

4 months
6 months

and finally, 9 months old...
I'll post his 1 year old picture tomorrow night after he enjoys his birthday cupcake!


Mendy said...

Happy Birthday to you, Harrison. You are a handsome little fella!

juliebean said...

how awesome!! what a precious boy.

missy said...

Happy First Birthday Harrison! I hope you have an extra special day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Harrison. Such a beautiful little one!!!

mommy24treasures said...

I know people always say it but I can't believe its been a yr already! Happy special day:)

Anonymous said...

Harrison is SO beautiful. What a gorgeous little man. Happy birthday to him!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Happy Birthday, Harrison! What a gorgeous baby boy!