Sunday, March 23, 2008

The kids get Inked

Thanks to my good friend, Christine, Gracie choose some really cool tats for herself and Harrison. They wanted to look like Daddy. (Please excuse the disarray of our humble abode...) No words necessary!
The flaming baby carriage which looks alot like Daddy's infamous FLAMING NIPPLE

Who loves his Mama???
I like to call this one "My Hotties" Wink Wink (Get it? ... Flames-hot...?)
Gracie's up close Rocker-Chick tattoos. I made her pick a spot that was not visible in her Easter dress.


Sophie's Mom said...

Woo hoo! Now that's HOT! I think this is my favorite post yet! Paige is on her way up to see, and when Ted gets home... yeah. Love it!

Sophie's Mom said...

That's a picture for the wall (Daddy & Harrison) What a good sport Harry is!

So, how many people did Gracie show at church (lifting her Easter dress...)??

Tracy said...

Those are seriously so AWESOME!

mommy24treasures said...

cute:) Gracie has such a cute belly!!! My girls are both skinny minnies.

juliebean said...

Ok, this is the first I have heard of the famous nipple tat. Those pics are so cute. Harrison is looking so grown up boy like. WOW! I like this post the best. That is really funny! A family and their tats.